Worth it

More love, please

Posted in 25/10/2018 at 14:20

Anxieties with politics ends up in the psychologist couch. The extreme electoral process affects voters emotional and becomes topic of therapy groups.

Check out in the latest Estadão’s article.

Everybody united to help

Posted in 14/11/2017 at 14:45

Something awesome happened in Houston! During the Houston Astros’s World Series Victory Parade, a cap fell from one of the buildings and the people who were watching decided to help 

The video was posted on facebook’s page “Razões Para Acreditar”. Check it out:

Kindness Generates Kindness

Posted in 30/10/2017 at 11:43

A christmas campaign from “Farol Shopping”, in Tubarão, Santa Catarina, went viral in social media.

Check out the video and get inspired with these kind gestures:

Survey: The Glamorization of Crime on Telenovela “A Força do Querer”

Posted in 26/10/2017 at 11:19

Our survey went wild. After all, has the telenovela “A Força do Querer” glamourized criminals? The minister of the Supreme Federal Court, Alexandre de Moraes, said yes. A lot of people agreed. Some said that the telenovela only portrayed the truth. Check out the results:

Facebook Poll

Instagram Poll

19 great Youtube channels

Posted in 30/08/2017 at 16:01

On Youtube there are thousands of interesting channels with fun and useful content. This post from Catraca Livre gather 19 tips of channels to watch.


Only Good News

Posted in 18/07/2017 at 11:52

Yes, there are a lot of good things hidden by the media, and the Só Notícia Boa takes the time to spread them on a website, Facebook and Youtube, like in this video:

Be a Part of It

Let’s act to stimulate the conscious media consumption and the production of contents that’ll improve people’s lives.